Social Security Disability

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Many people think that if they explain their problem to Social Security, they will understand and award them disability benefits.  You may think that because you have paid money into this insurance-based program, all you have to do to start receiving benefits when you need them is to file a claim.  However, over one-half – indeed as many as two-thirds – of all social security applications submitted every year are denied.  Why?

The disability system involves thousands of rules, regulations, and procedures and navigating this system can be daunting. The social security attorneys at George & George Attorneys at Law of Uniontown, PA are experienced in this system. They will provide the information and insight required to get your Social Security submission approved.

It’s not as simple as many people think to recover social security disability benefits, and a local disability attorney is usually the best type of attorney to hire. The George & George Attorneys at Law social security attorneys will represent you from the initial claim. Contact our social security attorneys at our central Fayette County office for your consultation.

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